Sunday, 19 February 2017


Hello everyone,
Welcome to my blog!

Do you guys know something about a profession called architectural lighting designer?

I think most of you didn't know about this profession, or maybe you already heard about it but still don't know exactly what we are doing.

So i'm thinking to write and share my knowledge about my profession, which is architectural lighting designer, because in architecture industry (especially in Indonesia where i struggling to make money) people still underestimate this niche industry called lighting design.

Well.. yeah lighting is just a tiny portion of a big scale project, but hey, in another country they already taking it seriously, especially after sustainable design, energy efficient design, and that kind of things become viral.

So here i am, sharing my knowledge in this blog hoping it will give you a new perspective in architectural industry and maybe can inspire you to start a career in lighting industry (maybe? why not?) LOL

Alright! Let's turn the lights on!

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